Lady Bug Picnic

>> Thursday, July 16, 2009

These little cookies are just a small fraction of those mailed to a wonderful friend of mine who is lounging around (as much as you can lounge while entertaining) on a lake in Wisconsin with over 20 members of their family. This little cabin has been in their family for several generations. It is an amazing family tradition that has gone on for generatons also.

I would like to share with you how I arrived at such wonderful colors. They were from a small set of AmeriColor soft gel paste food colors, the "Electric Color Kit." As you can see they are very saturated, bright, wonderful colors. One tip is to mix your frostings the day before you use them because the colors intesify after a few hours.

I hope you enjoy your own decorating. - Cindy



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Salem, Oregon, United States
You might wonder about my business name - I've always wanted to be the Queen, so now I am the Queen of my own domain! I'm a wife, mom with 2 grown children, and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I'm also a small business owner, cook and baker who is always looking to improve her skills. My goal is to bring you the very best in goodies, ideas, how-to, so that you can bring them to your own family. I will be launching a website soon where you will be able to shop for my goodies.
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