Counting Cupcakes ... (click here to go to Amazon)

>> Thursday, July 2, 2009

When my children were young reading to them was one of the highlights of my day. This little book looks so adorable and how fun would it be to teach them to count by counting cupcakes! This book is available on Amazon, just click the title of this post.



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Salem, Oregon, United States
You might wonder about my business name - I've always wanted to be the Queen, so now I am the Queen of my own domain! I'm a wife, mom with 2 grown children, and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I'm also a small business owner, cook and baker who is always looking to improve her skills. My goal is to bring you the very best in goodies, ideas, how-to, so that you can bring them to your own family. I will be launching a website soon where you will be able to shop for my goodies.
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