50 and Fabulous

>> Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The biggest tip I have for these cookies is you don't have to run out and buy more cutters. Be creative with the ones you already have.

The sand dollar was cut round by a large drinking glass. I then used my "Christmas" star cookie cutter to position 5 points around the circle. Using a small cutter - cut out a small triangle shape so that your once round circle now has 5 notches.

The flip flop is my Easter egg cutter that I squeezed in on one side. I used the smaller top of the egg at the bottom of the flip flop and you can see it worked well.

The starfish is my Chistmas star cookie cutter, but before it was baked by hand I moved each leg to look more like a starfish and less like a regular star.

I hope that you have as much fun as I do when you are doing your baking - Cindy



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Salem, Oregon, United States
You might wonder about my business name - I've always wanted to be the Queen, so now I am the Queen of my own domain! I'm a wife, mom with 2 grown children, and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I'm also a small business owner, cook and baker who is always looking to improve her skills. My goal is to bring you the very best in goodies, ideas, how-to, so that you can bring them to your own family. I will be launching a website soon where you will be able to shop for my goodies.
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