Happy Birthday

>> Saturday, August 1, 2009

I had the great honor of baking a batch of cookies for a client's 50th birthday. I made this card for her and the inside read: "Happy 21st anniversary of your 29th birthday." One of my other loves in life (besides baking) is photography and photoshop. This is a vintage photograph of a cute little girl and surrounded by textures (lace) and brushes (the scroll work), lettering and a little more photoshop magic. Flickr has inspired my work and helped me to increase my knowledge in photography and photoshop work. You can check out much more of my work on Flickr by clicking the link that is on the top of my page.

I'll be posting photos of the cookies for this order soon ... - Cindy



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Salem, Oregon, United States
You might wonder about my business name - I've always wanted to be the Queen, so now I am the Queen of my own domain! I'm a wife, mom with 2 grown children, and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I'm also a small business owner, cook and baker who is always looking to improve her skills. My goal is to bring you the very best in goodies, ideas, how-to, so that you can bring them to your own family. I will be launching a website soon where you will be able to shop for my goodies.
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