Cookie Maker

>> Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sometimes you want to make a cookie that you don't have a cookie cutter that will work. I've found if you get the copper pipe strap (plumbing department at the hardware store) and bend it around a clipart image it works pretty well. Be sure to wash your copper very well before use. Just start at a semi-straight part of the image and bend the strap around the image. It can be a little bit diffiucult, but take your time - YOU CAN DO IT!! I glue it together with very strong 2 part epoxy. Be careful not to epoxy your clip to your new cutter while you are attaching the ends!

You may have to simplify your image when working in frosting. Even images that look pretty basic can be difficult. I hope that you will give this a try when you need a specialty cutter next time. - Happy Baking



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Salem, Oregon, United States
You might wonder about my business name - I've always wanted to be the Queen, so now I am the Queen of my own domain! I'm a wife, mom with 2 grown children, and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I'm also a small business owner, cook and baker who is always looking to improve her skills. My goal is to bring you the very best in goodies, ideas, how-to, so that you can bring them to your own family. I will be launching a website soon where you will be able to shop for my goodies.
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